Sunday, July 19, 2009

Kansas Garden Dinners, we have enjoyed dinners with our guests this week with lots of great Kansas grown foods. It all started with sweet corn from Bismark Gardens. Erin was visiting from the tundra region of Canada after coming to Lawrence by train, and we wanted to show her a real Kansas meal. Jack and I with help from Dakota our 2 year old daughter served dinner on the porch of our Inn. We had sweet corn, green beans, fresh garden tomatoes, stuffed peppers and cucumbers with onions along with smoked chicken. When Jack rolled his sweet corn in the butter Erin said they don't eat it like this at home. We found out the area she is from only has a 60 day growing season so all the fresh foods were enjoyed even more by all! We even had fresh peaches for the shortcake for dessert with vanilla icecreme'. Dakota spent the evening running thru the yard with Lucy, our golden retriever, until dessert came out then she sat right down to eat with us. We didn't think we had any room left to eat, but we really enjoyed a little dessert and lots of visiting with new friends.

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